Friday, September 30, 2011

shit arse blogger. again.

Maybe that should say 'shitarse-d blogger' because here I am on a Friday night with 4 glasses of wine & 3 freddo frogs under my belt and finally blogging again.

It's funny this blogging thing - I read blogs all the time, about all sorts of shit (ALL sorts!) but until I'm half chopped after a long week, do I think that I actually have some of my own shit to write about that anyone would want to read.

Which probably says more about me, than this blogging thing.

Anyway, lots to talk about but nothing to talk about.

Kids - cute! But also really annoying.
Husband - annoying. But at times almost cute.
Work - just annoying.
Other stuff - what other stuff?

Will report back tomorrow when sober. Will need to be early.