Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

11 Mother's Day later & I'm finally middle-aged enough for slippers AND pyjamas!

But still too selfish to share my lindt balls with them.

Hope you all got just as spoilt as me!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

testing. times & this.

So this is a test of blogging via my phone.

It's also a test of my strength because I'm blogging in a hospital bed after having had surgery today - long, complicated story: was pregnant, now not, possibility of bigger and scarier problems.

I've generally been a believer in "good things happen to good people" but fuck me, these past few years have tested that theory well and truly.

But I refuse to believe that although I might not be funny these days, that I'm not good.

Sure I swear (including saying cunt) and I even swear at old ladies who steal my car park (including saying cunt) and I might secretly wish harm on someone who used to work for me and I might even forget to get anything in the post for Mothers Day, but I'm still good.

Fucking good even.

Mobile Blogging from here.