Monday, September 7, 2009

No news...

I’m struggling a bit with what to write about here at the moment.

I can’t possibly write any more about my sore bum.

Well, I could but I'd probably lose the few readers I do have.

And I can’t tell you much about what I am up to work wise because it’s still on the down low. I can tell you it's VERY exciting though.

Except for dealing with the bank. It's taking all my willpower not to send a shit in the mail to my "Relationship Manager". He should be scared because I don't have a lot of willpower (as my rapidly tightening jeans would concur).

So yeah, not much to report sorry.

You’ll just have to settle for a photo of me from a party I went to the other night.

It was a Brangalina theme.


  1. Wow, bet that made for a fun after-party at home with S

  2. Hawt. Totally hawt. But if you were really serious, you would have gone all-over-black, arse included.

  3. There doesn't appear to be very much fat on you at all Liv. Love the pink lips and eye rims that match the top, just perfect, you did say in your first post that you were good at decorating.

  4. Anon - the after party was scrubbing it off & that took so long S was well asleep by the time I had finished. I don't think the thought of shagging Zahara Jolie-Pitt did it, even for him.
    P23 - thank god I didn't do my arse, am still trying to get it all off my face today, 4 days later. I was pondering over why I suddenly had so many blackheads and then realised it was left overs! My arse is sore enough, it doesn't need blackheads as well.
    Jules - oh there's plenty of fat there love, believe me. Another reason P23 why I couldn't do it all over - not enough paint for that.
