Saturday, March 13, 2010

Getting around to it.

Updating my blog isn't the only thing I haven't got around to doing lately.

I've been so busy lately with renovating, the business, taking Riley to 5 million cricket practices a week, watching Riley's cricket and being pregnant, that a few things have been let go.

So today (well actually yesterday because it's now 3.30am and I can't sleep for the 564th night in a row - ANOTHER fucking treat that comes with being pregnant!) I wanted to put a stop to a couple of these neglected things.

So I got my fanny waxed for the first time since December.

Meh, I know that's disgraceful and I am normally a four weekly girl but I kinda figure that if I can't see it, then surely I don't have to maintain it, right?

Because, let's be honest, it could be on fire and I wouldn't know right now.

Anyway, it's done and I've also updated my blog.

Now I suppose I should go back upstairs, wake my husband up and do something else I haven't got around to for ages.

At least he'd be able to find his way now.

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed that you can contemplate sex at this time. I'm rather sexless here in preggers land.

    Hope the insomnia ends soon. And not with the birth of the baby either.
